Website Guides & Tips

Custom Website Design vs Website Templates: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Web Solution

By Hopzify
January 4, 2024


Are you a business owner looking to create a new website? Choosing between website templates and custom design can be a tough decision. Over the years in the web development industry, we have seen many things business owners need help with when selecting the wrong solution for their website. In this article, we'll compare the benefits and drawbacks of each option to help you make the right choice for your specific needs and budget without bias to each solution. We will also expose a secret in the website development space that most agencies and template sellers will keep from telling you.

custom website design vs website templates

What is a Custom Website Design?

Custom website design is similar to crafting a tailor-made suit. It involves starting from scratch, from a blank canvas, with web designers and developers working together to bring your vision to life and going back and forth between the materials to use, lengths, and stitching to make your tailored-made suit fit you perfectly ( your website). This approach is particularly beneficial for businesses with unique requirements and specific technology needs and for projects where flexibility and scalability are essential.

Custom Website Design Pros 👍

👍  Unique: A custom website is a unique creation made specifically for you.

👍  Advanced Functionality / Flexibility: here's an example: let's say you have a rental portfolio of properties, and every time you receive a booking from your website, you would like it to sync with AirBnB, there's a big chance with templated designs, this would not be possible as it would require a custom solution specifically targeted to your needs.

👍  Search Engine Optimization: depending on the level of quality from the developers, your website should have advanced SEO (search engine optimization) optimizations completed to enable your website to rank higher on Google.

Custom Website Design Cons 👎

👎  Requires a qualified team; you've got two options: freelancers and agencies. Both solutions require screening and ensuring the development team is qualified and knowledgeable enough to create the website, as many moving parts are not visible on the viewing end.

👎  High Cost: similar to custom suits, customization comes at a premium; it requires a higher investment

👎  Development time: based on our experience in the sector, a custom website takes 3-8 weeks to access medium-complexity sites.

👎  Maintenance: depending on the developer's chosen platform, it most likely will require constant Maintenance.

a image of two workers building a template website

 Understanding Template-Based Websites

The best way to explain templated websites would be to bring back the tailored suit example; now, instead of buying a suit, you go to your local shopping centre and find a case that fits you perfectly. You can try it on before buying ( viewing the live version of the website). There are also two types of templated websites:

  1. Pre-designed layouts offered by most website-building companies nowadays are a starting point for you to design your website instead of starting from scratch. 
  2. Pre-made websites are more like a premium option; the website and all of the core pages a business website would need are already built.

Template-Based Website Pros 👍

👍 Cost-Effective: Templates are much more affordable than custom designs.

👍 Quick Setup: Ideal for getting a site up and running in a short timeframe, most of the pre-made templates require you to change text and images, set up your domain ( and allow you to launch your website in a matter of hours.

👍 Easy to use: depending on the technology platform, they are user-friendly to edit and don't require technical expertise as all of the development is already done; here are the most common technologies ranked:

  • WordPress - Hard 🥷🏿
  • Webflow - Hard 🥷🏿
  • Wix - Easy 🏄
  • Squarespace - Easy 🏄

Template-Based Website Cons 👎

👎  Commonality: As the website template is not limited to one sale, your website might look similar to others that have purchased the template.

👎  Limited Customization: may lack unique features needed for the business and customization options.

👎  Scalability: As your business grows and evolves, its website requirements may change. Pre-made templates may struggle to accommodate these changes effectively.

👎 Integrations: if your website requires integrations with various third-party tools, platforms and services,pre-made templates may not support these integrations smoothly.

girl cannot make the decision between custom website design and template website design

🔑  Key Differences Between Custom Web Design vs Website Templates

A Custom website design is a more expensive and premium option that offers a unique and tailored approach, while website templates are a cost-effective and rapid way to get your website up and running. Here are some guidelines to help you choose the best option for your business.

Choose Custom Website Design When:

✔️ Specific Features Needed: When your business requires special features or functions tailored to your unique needs, you have the budget to invest in custom development.

✔️ Comfortable Budget of $2,000 to $10,000: If you're willing to allocate a budget between $2,000 and $10,000, custom website design becomes a feasible option, allowing for a more sophisticated and tailored web presence.

✔️ You Want a Special User Experience: Creating a one-of-a-kind, immersive experience for your website visitors is a priority.

✔️ SEO is Important: If search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of your online strategy, you want complete control over how your website is optimized for search engines.

Choose Website Template When:

☑️ Limited Budget: If you're launching a business and have budget constraints, website templates offer cost-effective solutions. Template cost vary from £50,00 - £300,00

☑️ Quick Launch Needed: When you need a website up and running quickly, templates provide pre-designed layouts that can be customised without starting from scratch.

☑️ Simplicity is Key: If your business doesn't require complex functionalities and your website's primary purpose is to provide information in a straightforward manner.

☑️ Ease of Maintenance: If you prefer a website that's easy to maintain and doesn't require constant updates, templates often come with simplified structures.

☑️ Not Tech-Savvy: If you're not comfortable with the technical aspects of website development, templates are designed to be user-friendly and require less technical expertise.

In summary, choose custom design for a unique, feature-rich, and scalable website, while website templates are suitable for quick launches on a budget, especially when simplicity and ease of maintenance are priorities. Here is one secret the web development industry won’t tell you: if your budget is on the low side, even enquiring for custom website designs, a lot of companies will still use pre-made templates for completing your site.

a illustraion of a credit card purchasing website templates

Where to purchase website templates?

When it comes to selecting the perfect design for your website, an array of options awaits, each catering to distinct needs. 

Wordpress enthusiasts can explore the vast array of ready-made designs at Envato Market, widely regarded as the premier online marketplace for WordPress templates.

Webflow, their marketplace boasts professionally crafted designs seamlessly adaptable to your creative vision.

Wix For those in search of pixel-perfect and uniquely tailored Wix templates, look no further than Hopzify. Correct! Thats us. Our curated collection of modern designs ensures that crafting a visually stunning website is effortlessly achievable, regardless of your technical expertise.

FAQ Questions For Website Templates

Do templates affect website loading speed ⚓?

Answer: The impact on loading speed can vary. Well-optimized templates contribute to faster loading times, but poorly coded or resource-intensive templates may slow down your website. It's advisable to choose templates from reputable sources and optimize images and content for better performance.

Can I use templates for e-commerce websites 🛍️?

Answer: Yes, many templates are specifically designed for e-commerce websites. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce (for WordPress), and Wix offer a wide range of e-commerce templates tailored for online stores, making it convenient to set up and customize your shop.

Are there templates designed for mobile responsiveness 📱?

Answer: Yes, most modern templates are designed to be mobile-responsive, ensuring a seamless experience on various devices. When choosing a template, preview the site on mobile devices to make sure its fully functional on a mobile display.

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